This Wednesday in the Official Gazette No. 40,890, was made official (the decree ruling) Wednesdays and Thursdays as non-working days for the public administration.
This decree was issued by Nicolas Maduro, through which were declared Wednesdays and Thursday as non-working days, whenever persist the effects of the «El Niño» climate phenomenon. Likewise,, (Fridays) were declared as «non-working for workers in the public and private education sector, in the levels of initial, primary and secondary «education.
It is also worth mentioning that school activities of public and private education sector will develop in all normalcy on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, «Being observed the declaration of non-working day, for both sectors, only for Fridays».
Likewise, there shall be exempted from the application of the Decree the public banking, the National Integrated Customs and Tax Administration (SENIAT) and the National Statistics Institute (INE) Service.
However, the activities of public and Alimentation sector should operate normally to ensure the functioning of the Integrated National Agro-Alimentary System, just alike health services throughout the national territory.
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