President Maduro extols the honor, morals and discipline of the FANB

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, on Monday extolled the honor, morals and discipline that characterize the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), on the occasion of the 30th sailing of the Simón Bolívar School Ship, which occurred last Saturday.

To the message, the President added a video of the departure of the emblematic vessel, which has 187 Bolivarian fighters prepared to complete a route through Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Curacao, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Cuba and Venezuela itself.

When recalling his meeting with the ship’s crew, who will participate in the Crucero Velas Latinoamérica 2018 regatta, the president expressed through Twitter:

Nicolás Maduro
«If I could do something different in my life, without any doubt I would be a career military. I am Commander in Chief by the will of the People, Pride is so big it does not fit in my chest for having a Bolivarian National Armed Forces with discipline, morals and military honor.»
12:31 – Feb 19 2018