Economist Tony Boza, denied on Monday the opinion matrix generated by some sectors who claim that in Venezuela there is no production other than oil, and that the international relations with the arrival of the Bolivarian Revolution to the country, have been those of a disadvantage.
«That is false, Venezuela has an industrial park, not only generated on past decades, but of all that has meant the strategic partnerships of the Revolution with Iran, China, Russia, Brazil and even with Argentina. We have many possibilities to implement policies from those alliances that were made», said the also political analyst, during an interview in the «En la Palestra» (At the board» program, transmitted by RNV’s Informative Channel.
He stressed that before our country established relations with China and countries other than the US and Europe, all the relationships we had were of absolute dependence, «Where there was no indication to say that we could access new technologies, that was never raised in the scheme of relations with North America, for an instance».
In this sense, Boza detailed the dependence Venezuela had during the Fourth Republic, rather meant the deterioration of the national industrial park, including the oil industry.
«With Chavez were raised several ways in terms of international relations, where sovereignty is guaranteed, the country’s growth along with its business partners, a partnership that is not purely mercantilist, where there has been exchange in terms of technologies in communications, satellite and oil, as is the case with China», he said.
Finally, the economist said that China is generating a new structure in the financial system, along with Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa, which is leaving aside imperial interests, raising respect and mutual cooperation, «Venezuela is betting on this new scheme».
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