This Wednesday was unanimously approved, in ordinary session, the Constitutional Law against Hatred, for Peaceful Coexistence and Tolerance, a project presented by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, last August, aims to «seek the reunion, reunification and peace of all Venezuelans».
The approval of the law project takes place after the reading of articles 11, 12, 13 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25 and the final provision, which add to the chapters approved in the first debate.
The President of the National Constituent Assembly, Delcy Rodríguez, requested the incorporation of two articles, the first of these for the repeal of any rule that conforms with the provisions of this law; and the second refers to the obligation of all media to spread the contents of this instrument.
Among the articles that have been debated and approved in this Wednesday’s session, stands out the number 11, referring to the prohibitions. It establishes that any political party that promotes fascism, intolerance, hatred or any type of discrimination will be revoked its registration before the National Electoral Council, and in the case of nascent political organizations its registration will be prohibited before the Electoral Power.
Article 12, referring to the responsibility of the media for peaceful coexistence and tolerance, establishes the obligation of public service providers, radio and television and subscription, public, private and community, to disseminate messages addressed to the promotion of peace, tolerance and equality.