Great amount of inscriptions of municipal candidacies ratify power of the ANC

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reiterated that for December 10, are called the elections of mayors for the 335 municipalities of the country and the election for the Governorship of Zulia state.

During the opening ceremony of the headquarters of the Military Academy of Medicine “Ezequiel Zamora”, the Head of State said that the ANC has a great power in its hands and rules the country’s destinies, with regard to the response to the convocation of the municipal elections.

He recalled that the Electoral Power reported that about 5,000 candidates were registered for the positions that are in dispute for the elections to be held in December, a process convened by the highest instance of the Originary Constituent Power.

In the case of Zulia state, the elections to the Governorship will be repeated, after the elected candidate refused to subordinate himself to the ANC.