ANC discusses Draft Law against Hate, Intolerance and for Peaceful Coexistence

The Chairwoman of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Delcy Rodríguez, reported that the Plenipotentiary Power is discussing on Thursday the draft Law Against Hate, intolerance and for Peaceful Coexistence.

During the registration of the candidacy of Erika Farias for the mayor of Libertador municipality, Caracas, the President of the ANC, urged the people to build “a new victory, and continue to shield peace and sovereignty for Venezuela”.

“This December 10th we are going to tell the fascists not to mess with Venezuela, because here is the bravery of Caracas, here is an insubordinated, irreducible and unbreakable people to defend the Homeland”, she said.

This legal instrument aims to seek reunion, reunification, harmony and peace of all Venezuelans, and stop the campaign of hate and violence promoted by extremist sectors of the opposition, which generated 124 deaths between the months of April and July this year.