Only in Revolution! Was installed Constituent for people with disabilities

The head of the Commission for Presidential Projects for the Greater Caracas, Carolina Cestari, highlighted the work carried out in Venezuela with the arrival of the Bolivarian Revolution since 1999, where people with disabilities were made visible for the first time.

In the ordinary session of the National Constituent Assembly, Cestari was invited to the podium of speakers of the Protocolary Chamber, from there she assured that: “Today we must discuss the leading role that people with disabilities have in this Constituent process”, she said.

He assured that thanks to Commander Hugo Chávez, the Law for Persons with Disabilities was approved in 2007 and a year later, the Mission José Gregorio Hernández, which benefited more than 1,681,290 homes in the country, has directly contacted at least 6,115,109 people and more than 1,200,000 technical aids have been granted.

After Cestari’s intervention, was approved this Tuesday and unanimously the installation of the Constituent Assembly of Persons with Disabilities.

The president of the National Constituent Assembly, explained that the law will be debated in all the states of the country on the initiative of people living with some special condition.

“We opened the debate on disability as a cross-cutting axis to our new Constitution. The debate is welcome because it is certainly transcendental for the future of our country. With this plan the commission is deployed throughout the country and all persons with disabilities must be involved in the country”, said Rodríguez.