ANC truth commission has the premise of establishing justice and vindicating victims

The ANC’s Commission for Truth has as a premise to investigate the facts and to vindicate the victims, as affirmed the Second Vice-President of the National Constituent Assembly, Isaías Rodríguez.

“The Commission for Truth has 2 slopes: One that is to investigate the facts and another to protect the victims and to vindicate the dignity of the victims and the discomfort that could have caused the facts against them”.

Rodríguez recalled that the Commission for Truth is a plural window where all the currents of thought can be heard to determine the truth of the cases of political violence between 2014 and 2017, and will be constituted by constitutional deputies, parliamentarians of the National Assembly, members of civil society, defenders of Human Rights (HR), among other representatives of the different currents of the community.

He also reaffirmed his trust in this Commission and in each one of its members, in order to generate the answers that the country is expecting, in order to establish justice, truth and peace in the national territory.

“The members of this commission will produce the evidences of these experiments, testimonies that will demonstrate how these events occurred, and who are responsible for them”, he said.

In other words, on the proposal made by the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Magistrate Maikel Moreno, of the increase in sentence of more than 50 years in prison for criminal acts and treason, Rodríguez stressed that it should be evaluated and debated by the ANC, because the jurisdictions of other countries establish a greater condemnation for crimes against humanity.

Regarding this point he added that establishing a greater sentence does not solve the problem, however the objective of the National Constituent Assembly is to establish justice, defeating impunity. Finally, he proposed the creation of a code where are established the various penalties to be complied with by all those who are linked to violence.