Yesterday, July 31, the 5th. court of execution and 6th court of control of the Metropolitan Area of Caracas, respectively, revoked the measures agreed in favor of citizens Leopoldo López and Antonio Ledezma, once verified the breach of the conditions imposed so that they would remain under in-house arrest.
Likewise, information was received from sources of official intelligence that gave account of a plan for the escape of these citizens, and therefore, with the urgency of the case, the corresponding safeguard procedures were activated.
It should be noted that the conditions imposed on López did not allow him to carry out any kind of political proselytism, this because of the Definitely Firm Sentence that weighs against him, which has as an accessory penalty his political disqualification for the duration of the sentence imposed.
In the case of Antonio Ledezma, the Court of its cause had imposed as conditions the obligation to refrain from issuing declarations in any media, otherwise the measure granted would be revoked immediately.