Violent acts are the product of an international script

“The terrorist acts that are registered in the country are the product of an international script to generate violence, generate media lies and request a foreign intervention.”

The statement was made this Tuesday by the Deputy by the Block of the Homeland, Luis Soteldo, during his participation in the “Encendidos” (Turned On) program, broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), in which he called on the Attorney General of the Republic to assume the responsibility to impose justice in the country.

Regarding the Constituent Assembly, the parliamentarian pointed out that it is a political tool that will guarantee peace and deepen a national debate with all sectors to advance in the transformation of the country in favor of the interests of the people and in this sense, considered that their proposals should make emphasis in youth and encouraging the culture of productive work.

Finally he invited all the revolutionary people to mobilize this Tuesday with joy and enthusiasm to carry messages of peace and for life to the avenues and streets of Caracas, regarding the march in support of the convocation to the Constituent Assembly.

“We are going to demonstrate once again that Chavismo moves in the measure of love, in addition that Venezuela is a real possibility of a Revolution and that Latin America becomes a pluri-polar zone of peace that allows the transformation and the use of oil as a gep-olítical tool of transformation of a Latin American society “.