Constituent Assembly is a meeting place for the different political sectors

The Constituent is a meeting space that facilitates the possibility of a great agreement between the different political sectors of the country, as assured the lawyer Maria Alejandra Diaz.

She stressed that the discussions will be very complete, since one of the reasons for the institutional crisis that they have tried to achieve is to destroy the Bolivarian project of Commander Hugo Chavez.

Diaz said that the National Constituent Assembly does not start from scratch as in 1999, but it will be a mechanism where the people will decide their future.

«This assembly is an opportunity for emancipation and empowering the people’s power in order to innovate,» she said during an interview on the «Con Amorín» (With Amorín) TV program, broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión

«Unfortunately we have an opposition that has become an enemy of the constitution. The President encouraged and continues to work on the vision of statesman with the dialogue», she said.

She denounced that, for the right wing, «The National Constituent Assembly is not to give more power to the people, but to surrender to the Money God, while for the progressive factors it is a weapon for the emancipation of the people.»

Diaz said that «the Venezuelan nation has the historic opportunity to decide whether we want independence, sovereignty, more People’s Power, or whether you just want neoliberalism,  Macri or Temer style».