Rodriguez: Censure of NA against minister for Alimentation is illegal and unenforceable
The deputy of the Homeland Bloc, Hector Rodriguez, informed that this Thursday’s session of the National Assembly (NA), where the opposition majority…
LEER MÁSRadio Nacional de Venezuela C.A.
Presidente Maduro encabeza Consejo Nacional de Economía Productiva
Venezuela albergó I Reunión del área científica del ALBA-TCP
Festival de Teatro Progresista traerá talento de 22 países a Venezuela
Presidente Maduro insta a la ONU a garantizar los DD. HH. de los migrantes venezolanos
Rubio admite que no todos los venezolanos secuestrados en El Salvador son delincuentes
The deputy of the Homeland Bloc, Hector Rodriguez, informed that this Thursday’s session of the National Assembly (NA), where the opposition majority…
LEER MÁSHector Rodriguez, head of the parliamentary bloc of the Fatherland said that the deputies of the opposition right-wing have done nothing to…
LEER MÁSDuring the inauguration ceremony of the Local Committees of Supply and Production (CLAP), the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, urged on…
LEER MÁSThe first Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, reported in his «Con el Mazo dando» (Hitting…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, said on Wednesday that across the country have been activated 5 000 837 Local Supply…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, met with workers of PDVSA, at its headquarters in La Campiña, located…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduron said on Wednesday that has sent to the Supreme Justice Court (TSJ) to assess the…
LEER MÁSThis Wednesday in the Official Gazette No. 40,890, was made official (the decree ruling) Wednesdays and Thursdays as non-working days for the…
LEER MÁS«I call to the maximum and absolute union, to the loyalty. To the legacy of Hugo Chavez and to me as President…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, expressed on Tuesday his rejection of the attacks undertaken by the right…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, said the decree of non-working days for the Public Administration, in order…