TSJ declared constitutionality of State of Exception and Economic Emergency
In a joint presentation of all magistrates and judges, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of Decree No….
LEER MÁSRadio Nacional de Venezuela C.A.
Ministro de Economía francés considera que cruzada arancelaria de Donald Trump es una agresión contra la UE
Cerrada parcialmente la avenida Baralt por 40 días continuos
Venezuela alza la voz en Consejo de DD. HH. en defensa de migrantes secuestrados
Universidad Nacional de las Comunas abrirá sus puertas el 31 de mayo
ALBA-TCP condenó amenazas estadounidenses contra Petrocaribe
In a joint presentation of all magistrates and judges, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of Decree No….
LEER MÁSNicolas Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, said that if the National Electoral Council approves the making of the (revoking)…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, thanked on Thursday the ruling of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, informed on Thursday that next week he will meet with the militaries of the active…
LEER MÁS1. The Minister of People’s Power for Defense, Vladimir Padrino Lopez, highlighted on Thursday that the integral military exercise «Independence 2016», will…
LEER MÁSThe US embassy in Venezuela, as well as opposition parties, would be in charge of the funding of paramilitary gangs in Venezuela,…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, denounced that on Wednesday was held a meeting for a lapse of three hours at…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, welcomed in Miraflores Palace the former Prime Minister of Spain, Jose Luis…
LEER MÁSThe Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) should «Be clear on the scope of what is a State of Exception in Revolution and…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, said the decree of State of Exception and Economic Emergency grants the…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, announced that on Friday, May 20 and Saturday, May 21, will take place throughout the…