IVSS subsidia patologías geriátricas para adultos mayores
El Instituto Venezolano del Seguro Social (IVSS) dio a conocer a través de su cuenta en la red social Twitter @ivssoficial, que con…
LEER MÁSEl Instituto Venezolano del Seguro Social (IVSS) dio a conocer a través de su cuenta en la red social Twitter @ivssoficial, que con…
LEER MÁSThe president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, posted a message on his Twitter account to highlight that 2020 will…
LEER MÁSExecutive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez reported Monday that 76% of the Budget and Indebtedness 2020 will be allocated to social investment. «The…
LEER MÁSLa vicepresidenta ejecutiva Delcy Rodríguez, informó este lunes que 76% del Presupuesto y Endeudamiento 2020 será destinado a la inversión social. «El…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, reiterated the National Government will continue working for the people of the Bolivarian nation and…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, said on Wednesday that through social, spiritual and political dialogue, will advance towards agreements of…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that in Chile has awakened a social revolution that points to a constituent (referendum)…
LEER MÁSThe president of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, dismissed the foreign accusations stating that the government of the head of…
LEER MÁSThis Friday, the president of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, emphasized that the so-called Lima Group accuses him of being a dictator, while…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, approved the creation of Social and Economic Protection Corporations for Anzoátegui, Mérida, Táchira and Nueva…
LEER MÁSThe president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, led this Saturday in Margarita, Nueva Esparta state, a journey of Orientation…