Cabello: Respect for the Constitution should be the premise for dialogue

«Respect for the Constitution should be the premise for dialogue» between the Government and sectors of the opposition», thus was assured by the deputy and First Vice Chairman of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, while participating in the program «Jose Vicente Hoy» (Jose Vicente Today).
Cabello highlighted the repeated call for dialogue that has had the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, with sectors of the opposition, even after the attempts for a Coup d’ Etat they have orchestrated against the Bolivarian Government.
He recalled that Commander Hugo Chavez since his coming to office in 1999, has always shown a willingness to dialogue with all sectors of the country, even with those who adversed him.
He suggested that the dialogue table formed with the spokesmen of the right wing should promote meeting points and «a healthy political coexistence» among all sectors.
PSUV, more united than ever:
During the interview, Cabello said that there is a resurgence of the Revolutionary forces in the country.
«The PSUV is now more united than ever (…) Now what we feel is a sense of blossoming of the chavismo by the people against a right wing that insists on shortcuts to oust the President of the Republic,  Nicolas Maduro» he said.