Venezuela won another victory in the UN's Human Rights Council

«The more they attack us, the more support we have, we have achieved another victory of Venezuela in the Human Rights Council of the United Nations (UN), People’s Victory! «said the Venezuelan leader from the Warairarepano mountain on Tuesday, from where he broadcast his program «En Contacto con Maduro» (Contact with Maduro).
The President said that this international acknowledgment represents one of the first victories of the new cycle of the Bolivarian Revolution.
«Out of 104 countries that stood there, 74 stood to applaud Venezuela, only the old colonies said some things, because they see us as colonies of them and would want to re-colonize us again, unfortunately the empire does not learn,» he said.
It is noteworthy that Venezuela exposed to the UN the model in matters of Human Rights that exists in the country, characterized by the social inclusion promoted in Revolution.