President Nicolás Maduro announced a congress to choose a method and select candidates for upcoming elections

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, called for an organizational congress, in collaboration with the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and the Great Patriotic Pole Simón Bolívar (GPPSB), to choose the method of selecting candidates for the upcoming elections:

I gave the order to the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and I propose to the Great Patriotic Pole that we hold an organizational congress soon, to choose the method with which we are going to select the candidates for the elections that are going to be convened”, he said.

The president of the PSUV also highlighted the importance of a renewal that allows new leadership in the places of popular election and in new positions for the battle of ideas:

Are you going to support that idea? Do you want a renewal? Do you want changes? Do you want to win again? We are condemned by the blessing of God, Father Creator, to triumph, to triumph and triumph in all the political and electoral battles that may come,» he stressed.

This announcement comes in a context in which the National Electoral Council (CNE) has confirmed that in the next few hours there will be an imminent call for elections, including those for governorships, legislative councils, mayorships and a new National Assembly (AN).

The president stressed the importance of staying on course and not deviating at any time, since a historical project and legacy is being defended:

«We have a country project, we have a historical legacy to defend, we have a plan, we have a team, we have unity, we have the people, we have a Homeland and we have a president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: the President-People, the People made President,» he said, reaffirming his commitment to the Homeland and his vision for the future.

He also stressed the record number of elections that the Venezuelan nation has had:

«In addition to the 31 elections we have held in 25 years, of which we have won 29, there are three constitutional elections,» he explained, noting that this year there will be a total of 34 elections in a quarter of a century, which he considers a world record in participation and democratic freedoms.