Conatel decided to take the X social network out of circulation, due to attack on Venezuela

They have violated all the Laws of Venezuela and we are going to make the Law respected, that is why I have signed a point of account with the proposal made by Conatel (National Telecommunications Commission) that has decided to take out the X social network, formerly known as Twitter, for ten days, until they present their documents.”

The words correspond to the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, who indicated that “we have a Law, there is a Constitution and there is a State and a people that must be respected,”

In this sense, he reiterated that said platform has “ten days to present their documents and establish the definitive measures, because it is enough to sow violence and hatred and attack Venezuela from abroad.”

He added that peace is above all, and that we must not accept an ambush, nor a fascist campaign to intimidate the people:

We will not tolerate the fascist threat, nor a coup d’état from the world’s right wing, nor from the technological empire to steal our sovereignty, independence, or the right to the future of Venezuela.

The fascist right wing prepared a criminal organization:

The Dignitary also denounced that “the fascist right wing did not prepare a movement, nor an electoral party, they took advantage of the elections to prepare a fascist criminal organization called “comanditos” (little Commandos), but they believed it was a piece of cake because they have always underestimated us, but I tell you here we are at peace, standing, victorious and what we are going forward with is the Civic Military Police Union, nothing and no one will be able to stop us neither today nor ever.”

The information was highlighted during a rally of women and men who participated in the Great March of the Communes and Social Movements for Peace that reached Miraflores, in defense of the victory of President Nicolás Maduro.

That is how I wanted to see them in the streets, because the streets belong to the communal people, this people who builds, this people who dreams and continues to unite, continues working, it is time to defend the right to peace, in each territory, in each commune, commune of peace, wherever there is a commune and an active and consolidated communal council, fascism does not reach there, because a strengthened commune does not allow fascism, arguing that the greatest vaccine that Venezuela has against the cybernetic, fascist and criminal coup d’état is to consolidate communal power throughout the national territory,” stressed President Maduro previously.