Seven transformations will turn Venezuela into a power country

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, proposed during his annual message to the nation before the National Assembly (AN), seven transformations that the country needs to become a definitive power, lines that emerge from the five national consensus:

To the 3R.Nets formula, I add a new vision that I launch today in broad lines, I incorporate them into the national debate, I hope to develop them as a team, as a collective, as a country, in the coming days so that we can assume them as a great national agreement and I talk about the seven transformations that the country needs to achieve, by 2030, a recovered, prosperous country, with social well-being and equality.”

The constitutional president explained that the “7T 2030” derive from the five national consensuses created from the five great objectives of the Homeland Plan drafted by Commander Chávez.

In this sense, the first transformation is economic and focuses on the modernization of all methods and techniques of production of national wealth, to consolidate economic diversification in the face of a new export model.

The second transformation is full independence, which consists of updating and expanding the Bolivarian doctrine in its political, scientific, cultural, educational and technological dimensions.

Perfecting the model of citizen coexistence, guaranteeing justice, enjoyment of Human Rights and safeguarding social and territorial peace, to guarantee the defense and development of Guayana Esequiba, is the third transformation announced by the head of State.

The fourth transformation is social and its objective is the total renewal of the humanist protection model. “We need to accelerate the recovery of our welfare state, its missions and great missions, strengthening the values of Venezuelan socialism.”

Likewise, he pointed out that the fifth transformation focuses on politics, which is essential to consolidate direct democracy with republican ethics. The sixth transformation is ecological, and its main objective is to combat the climate crisis, raise awareness and protect the people from environmental impact, as well as safeguarding the Amazon, and all natural reserves, from the voracity of predatory capitalism.