“11 vertices of the Great Mission Quadrants of Peace that must be studied by officials for their permanent application (…) their knowledge, their study, their management and their implementation must be totally vertical in all training programs in all daily harangues.”
The words correspond to the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, who instructed the new professionals of the Bolivarian National Police Corps (CPNB) and the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC) to deepen the 11 vertices of the Great Mission Quadrants of Peace, from the headquarters of the National Experimental University of Security (UNES), located in Caracas.
In this regard, he highlighted that the vertices of this Great Mission are part of a scientific doctrine of the police and security of Venezuela, while he stressed that this system of citizen security training allows to guarantee the national sovereignty, unlike other countries «that subject the people to neoliberal packages.”
In this same order of ideas, he assured that Venezuela “has its own police doctrine and does not copy the manuals dictated to it from Washington (…) we are not a colony, (will be) never again, never again subordinated to the empire. Rebels and independent forever, we have to be free, sovereign, independent, true rebels, a new Bolivarian, revolutionary and profoundly Chavista police.”
Likewise, he urged the new security professionals to wear their uniform with pride: “Do defend the pride, the honor of being Venezuelan police officers, defend it in your community, in your family, defend it in the streets, serving the people, protecting the people, loving the people, a police officer can never harm the people, never ever,” he concluded.