AN unanimously approves agreement repudiating John Bolton and Carrie Filipetti’s warmongering statements

“The Agreement is Approved in repudiation of the statements by John Bolton and Carrie Filipetti, in which they openly declare to the media the attempts at a military invasion in the Republic of Venezuela and other countries”.

Thus was announced by the president and deputy of the AN, Jorge Rodríguez, who also pointed out that “We are in the worst moment of journalism on the planet, the journalist stopped looking for the truth. My call is to reflect on this media war that we are facing”.

“We were on the verge of a true tragedy, but thanks to the wisdom of this people and the patience of President Nicolás Maduro Moros, we built peace,” said the deputy.

For his part, deputy Pedro Infante said: “These characters, Bolton and Filipetti, are war hawks, whose function is none other than to plan and promote wars, defenders of the Monroe Doctrine, both anti-communist republicans, in a few words anti-free peoples of the world”.