From this Tuesday, October 5, the binational commercial passage between Venezuela and Colombia is authorized, under strict biosafety measures in order to prevent contagions by Covid-19. The announcement was made by the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, specifying that this action corresponds to a direct instruction from the Venezuelan Head of State, Nicolás Maduro Moros.
She pointed out that the Bolivarian Government guarantees the protection of the border, unlike the administration of Iván Duque, which allows the presence of paramilitary groups, criminal gangs and drug trafficking. Despite what the planned violence against our homeland has meant, President Nicolás Maduro, thinking of our people, brotherhood and cooperation between the people of Colombia and the people of Venezuela, has made the decision to open the binational commercial path”, she said.
Likewise, was sent a message to the productive forces of both nations for the reactivation of trade that, historically, exceeds 7 billion dollars, reiterating that it must be established under strict biosafety protocols, to avoid the spread of the various variants of the coronavirus, present in the New Granadean territory.
It is important to highlight that this commercial step remained closed since February 2019, when the imperialist government of Donald Trump, in complicity with the Venezuelan extreme right wing and the Lima Group, created a terrorist operation to violate Venezuelan territory.