The Vuelta a la Patria (“Return To The Homeland) Plan brought back this Monday 200 nationals coming from Chile, in the face of xenophobia and discrimination attacks that took place on September 24 and 25 of this year in the town of Iquique, Chile.
The information was released by the Vice Minister for Latin America of the Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Relations, Ránder Peña, through a publication with a video on his account on the Twitter social network, @RanderPena:
«Amidst a situation of exploitative work towards Venezuelans, they were victims by a small group of people from Iquique, who do not represent the feelings of the Chilean people”, he said.
A balance of returnees to date records a total of 26,733 Venezuelans from 19 countries through 152 flights and a maritime transfer:
Argentina: 1,156
Belarus: 37
Bonaire: 6
Brazil: 7,285
Chile: 2,662
China: 14
Colombia: 764
Cuba: 209
Ecuador 5,080
Spain: 329
Italy: 404
Martinique: 8
Mexico: 12
Panama: 552
Peru: 6,590
Dominican Republic: 535
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: s 3
Trinidad and Tobago: 833
Uruguay: 143