Prevention Programs and Peace Quadrants are allies in the communities

«We are taking prevention programs to the communities, framed in vertex one of the Great Mission Quadrants of Peace», as reported this Tuesday, the General Director of Crime Prevention (DPD), Jorge Cordero.

During his participation in the radio program «Prevention and Safety» of the Vice Ministry of Prevention, Citizen Security and Peace Quadrants, led by G/D Endes Palencia, the director of the DPD explained that they have 23 state coordinators and 79 municipal coordinators, developing the National Plan for Comprehensive Prevention in the Peace Quadrants, which has resulted in the creation of groups of preventers in several parishes. He cited as an example the experience in El Valle and La Pastora parishes, in Caracas.

He reported that they also have the 23 institutions that make up the Preventive Front, among which stand out the Venezuelan Foundation for the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Consumption, the Communal Police of the Bolivarian National Police Corps, VEN 9-1-1, the execution of public policies on prevention, working in coordination with the People’s power, and other state agencies with responsibility in citizen security matters.

He also announced that DPD has been serving the people for 51 years through preventive plans.

To conclude, he invited listeners to tune in on Thursday to the prevention forums that are carried out via streaming from the ig: @dpdprevencion.