Arreaza: Maximum pressure strategy against Venezuela is a boisterous failure

The strategy of maximum pressure against Venezuela is a boisterous failure of the dominant elites of the United States, which have a disconnection with the reality and resistance of the Venezuelan people, said the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza.

The Chancellor said that the US political scaffolding knows nothing about the reality of the country, “much less about Chavismo and its historical, political and social role”.

In an opinion article published on the Twitter platform this Sunday, the Chancellor explained that the sources of information from the ruling elite and power groups in the north are fictitious:

“Information that even is not only inaccurate: but false, absurd and ideologized to the maximum, and based on this, they make decisions”, but “They have not been able to defeat Venezuela, nor will they be. The Venezuelan people not only resists, but advances”, he said.

And with this disconnection from reality, the Donald Trump administration has extended its “Manichean script and harsh spiel” to a large part of the political body of its country in their attempt to depose President Nicolás Maduro, he said.

On the other hand, the text published by Misión Verdad (Mission Truth) refers that the interpellation on August 4 in the US Senate to Trump’s adviser for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, was “a circus journey” of fiction and misinformation.

In relation to this, the Chancellor stressed that the session resulted in a “double tragedy” with an Abrams accumulating defeats against Maduro and the resistance of the Venezuelan people:

“Hollywood has led the world to believe that the ruling elite in Washington has every means to have accurate information on any issue imaginable; the reality is very different”, he said.

There were also truths about a policy built on false assumptions and in conclusion it was a “show of lies, ignorance and arrogance” with a defeated defendant and inquisitors who spoke from the misrepresentation, he added.

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee questioned Abrams about the plan to overthrow Maduro. Senator Chris Murphy chided him for not being successful in pursuing the change of government.

During the session, Murphy confirmed the denounces presented by the Venezuelan Executive in recent times about the destabilizing strategies against the country and the national president:

“In the last year and a half it has been an absolute disaster,” he said, and recalled that “at the beginning of 2019 (…) the winning move was right in front of us: to bring together all of Latin America behind a transition or new free elections”.

He said that Trump had not been able to neutralize the supposed influence and support that the Government of Venezuela has in other countries such as Cuba and Russia.