The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in favor of the construction of a multicentric and multi-polar world, has advanced in a certain and sustained way in fulfilling the objectives of international equilibrium, which has allowed it a strategic positioning in the new world geopolitics of the 21st century.
Through the Bolivarian Diplomacy of Peace, and within the framework of the Constitution, the international relations of Venezuela respond to the purposes of the State based on the exercise of sovereignty and the interests of the country, governed by the principles of independence, equality among nations, self-determination and non-intervention in the internal affairs of peoples, as well as the peaceful resolution of conflicts and international cooperation.
The successful direction of international policies has allowed the recognition and leadership of the oil producing country in the main multilateral organizations of the world, including the United Nations Organization (UN).
Maximum instance of direction of NAM:
In September 2016, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela received from the Iranian president Hasán Rohaní the pro-tempore presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), during the 17th Summit of the block held on Margarita island, northeast of the South American nation.
The presidency of the NAM is rotatably occupied by member states of the different geographical regions that make up the Movement. The host country of a summit, in this case Venezuela, automatically becomes president of the agency for a period of three years.
In assuming the highest instance of leadership of the NAM, President Nicolás Maduro thanked the unanimous support of the 120 member countries and assured that the command given to Venezuela would be used firmly and loyally for the cause of their peoples.
At the 17th Summit, the States parties promoted the concert of joint actions in favor of the preservation of world peace, based on the basis of understanding, equality and mutual respect.
The Declaration of Margarita, in its 11 lines of action, focuses on peace and the peaceful resolution of conflicts, as well as the processes of transformation of the United Nations system and the promotion of a new international economic order.
During its presidency term (2016-2019), Venezuela was given the task of advancing in the process of revitalization of the NAM in line with the 10 principles of Bandung, to ensure that the agency and its positions remain fully valid and relevant in the context international, despite the multiform siege that has been taken from abroad from the nation.
Caracas also promoted the strengthening of unity and cohesion among the member states of the NAM through multilateralism, as well as the preservation of decision-making through consensus and mutual respect.
On that basis, the 2017 and 2018 ministerial meetings were held on the margins of the High Level Segment of the United Nations General Assembly, during which political statements were adopted in rejection of the promulgation and implementation of unilateral coercive measures and in defense of the Charter of the United Nations and the purposes and principles of NAM.
Venezuela could not only keep the NAM alive but also revitalize it and start a new stage, said the Chancellor, Jorge Arreaza, after the Ministerial Meeting of the NAM Coordination Bureau that took place in the Venezuelan capital on July 20 and 21, 2019 under the motto «Promotion and Consolidation of Peace through Respect for International Law».
From 2016 to the present, the agency has made important advances in different areas of common interest, ranging from the activation of the Movement in Unesco; the strengthening of the agency in Vienna, Rome and The Hague, until the declaration at the United Nations of the Day of Multilateralism and the Diplomacy of Peace, on April 24, at the initiative of the Bolivarian Republic from the presidency of the NAM.
From the last ministerial meeting in Caracas, the creation of a work group of NAM stands out, which will continuously focus on analyzing the impact of unilateral coercive measures and seek concrete alternatives to address them.
Thus, the NAM has become a platform of common struggle against these illegal measures taken under the euphemism of «sanctions» and against the hegemonic claims of the United States, the country that applies them in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and of international law.
“There have been proposals throughout the debates, there has been approved a work group of the Non-Aligned Countries Movement against sanctions, or unilateral coercive measures, which for the first time will have a special group that will study this issue and how to contain these unilateral aggressions against the sovereignty of our peoples», said Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro at the ministerial meeting last July.
Made up of 120 member countries that represent the interests and priorities of developing nations on several continents, the NAM is an important political consultation forum founded in 1961, whose main objective is the establishment of an alliance of independent states and the establishment of of a neutral current and non-alignment with the international politics of the great powers of the world.
This year, at the end of October, Venezuela will transfer the presidency of the NAM to the Republic of Azerbaijan, during the 18th Summit of the multilateral organization to be held in the city of Baku.
This Summit of Heads of State and Government will be preceded, in accordance with established practice, by a Ministerial Meeting and a Preparatory Meeting of Senior Officials.