President Maduro ordered the creation of combatant bodies for the security of basic enterprises

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, ordered G / J. Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of People’s Power for Defense, to create combatant bodies for the integral security of the basic companies of Guayana.
The proposal was presented by the working class, belonging to the steel, iron, aluminum, electricity and forestry companies that make life in this region of the country, to create safety equipment, integrated with the Workers’ Productive Councils (CPT), bodies combatants and the Bolivarian National Militia, in order to provide shelter to the facilities of each of the strategic companies.
The importance of this proposal arises from the recent acts of sabotage against the basic companies and public systems of the country, as was the case with the attack on the Simón Bolívar “Guri” hydroelectric plant.