ANC held popular consultation with members of the Missions and Great Social Missions

The Commission of Missions and Great Missions of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), made a popular consultation on Tuesday in Caracas through working groups with the beneficiaries of social protection programs carried out by the National Executive, with the objective of to continue promoting the popular participation in the discussion of the new constitutional text.

During the activity that took place in the vicinity of the Juan Pedro López square at the Central Bank of Venezuela, constituent Hernán Iriarte, member of said commission, pointed out the importance of the participation of the organized People’s Power.

“We are in these open meetings hand in hand with the people and from the bases of socialist missions listening and receiving proposals in health, transport, education, among other issues, thus to be analyzed and then be included in the new Magna Carta” , said Iriarte.

He added that the ANC is working with the different sectors to continue consolidating the protection programs that benefit the Venezuelan people.

On the other hand, the president of Mission Nevado (for Animal welfare), Maigualida Vargas, expressed the importance of the strengthening of the socialist missions and the proposals that are being developed from the different technical tables for the construction of the new Constitution.

“From Mission Nevado we have been raising plans regarding the criminalization of animal abuse before the ANC, as well as be guarantors of the rights of the members of the missions In a Greater Love, Homes of the Homeland, José Gregorio Hernández mission (for people with disabilities), Tree Mission, Great Mission Housing Venezuela, which guarantee the social protection of the Venezuelan people”.

The activity, which is part of a program of mass consultations that takes place throughout the national territory, was attended by representatives of the missions José Gregorio Hernández, Negra Hipólita, Nevado, Barrio Adentro, Cultura as well as the missions Ribas, Robinson and Sucre.