President Maduro remembered legacy of Nelson Mandela

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, recalled on Tuesday the legacy of Nelson Mandela, 4 years after his physical departure.

Through his account on the Twitter social network, he wrote: “Let’s remember Nelson Mandela, who 4 years ago departed to immortality, leaving a legacy of struggle for a world of equals, with respect and inclusion as a beacon towards the future of peace” .

Nelson Mandela was a South African activist and politician who led the anti-apartheid movements and who, after a long struggle and 27 years in prison, presided over in 1994 the first Government that put an end to the racist regime.

Nicolás Maduro
“Let’s remember Nelson Mandela, who 4 years ago departed to immortality, leaving a legacy of struggle for a world of equals, with respect and inclusion as a beacon towards the future of peace.”
11:37 – Dec 5 2017