The independence and sovereignty of Venezuela triumphed at the OAS

The Chancellor of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodriguez, assured that Venezuela triumphed once again in the Organization of American States (OAS).

“Today we arrived with the strength of our people who took to the streets to denounce the interventionism of the American empire. Today have triumphed the independence and sovereignty”, she said, offering a report on the 47th OAS General Assembly held in Cancún, Mexico.

Rodríguez denounced that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, declared this organization (OAS) as an instrument to promote the intervention of Venezuela.

She sentenced that the outbreaks of violence sponsored by opposition sectors are directly encouraged by the Organization’s Secretary General, Luis Almagro.

“I ask the group of countries that intend to intervene, to also think in that Venezuela that wants to work and excel”, she said, while stating: “Those young people who participate in violence are victims of the irresponsible, stateless, antidemocratic leadership,  contrary to the constitutional order of the country”.

During her remarks, the Head of the Foreign Ministry assured that the National Constituent Assembly, promoted by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, is a fundamental initiative to achieve peace.

“The President, using his powers expressly contemplated in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, convened for an ANC with all the guarantees and protection of the electoral rights enshrined in our laws, so that it is elected by a universal, direct and secret election” she stressed.

She also stressed that the Constituent Power will make it possible to clarify all the cases of violence that have occurred in recent months in the national geography.

“The Commission for Truth has carried out an extraordinary work on the victims, the victimization process and the perpetrators, with very precise recommendations, a report that will be delivered to the next ANC so that, with plenipotentiary powers, it can also help Venezuela determine the Truth … and there can be given a process of National reconciliation and forgiveness”.

Regarding the denial of sectors of the Venezuelan opposition to participate in this instance, she said that, instead of calling for the non-approval, through the democratic channels, of the Constitution that will arise from ANC, they call for violence where young people lose their lives.

She explained that the Electoral Power (CNE) also announced an electoral timetable that contemplates the election of the Constituents for the ANC, the inscription for the postulates to Governors of states, as well as the election to these positions.

In another vein, the Chancellor of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela denied that there is a humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, and said that: “It is an excuse for intervention.”

“Today we arrived with the strength of our people who took to the streets to denounce the interventionism of the American empire. Independence and sovereignty triumphed today”, she said.