58% of Venezuelans think NA must solve economic problems

To the question «What do you think should be the priority of the new National Assembly?» a 58 percent of Venezuelans polled in the latest opinion survey by the Hinterlaces polling company opined that (they should) help solve the economic problems of the country.
On this same question, a 35 percent leaned towards the option to call a recalling referendum to oust President Nicolas Maduro, a 4 percent opted for the adoption of the Amnesty Law promoted by the Primero Justicia (Justice First) rightwing party, while a 3 percent expressed not to know, or did not responded.
The data that emerges from the last executive report raised on the basis of 1,580 direct interviews held in homes across the country from March 9 to 16, 2016, was presented by journalist José Vicente Rangel, during the «José Vicente Hoy» (José Vicente Today) program, in Televen.
When consulting the public on the proposals under discussion in the National Assembly regarding Mission Housing, a 63 percent of respondents said they agree that families awarded should not be able to sell the housings in order to preserve the family heritage, above a 34 percent who agreed with the sale or mortgage of housings, and a 3 percent who did not answered.