Government prepares plan to subsidize food and medicines to the People
On Wednesday, President Nicolas Maduro announced that is being structured a special plan to directly subsidize the food and medicines of the…
LEER MÁSRadio Nacional de Venezuela C.A.
Entregan Sillas de Ruedas Pediátricas en el Aniversario de la Misión José Gregorio Hernández
Ministro Cabello: Le caerá la Ley a quien se involucre en actividades ilícitas
Jefe de Estado: Más de cinco millones participaron en asambleas de postulación del PSUV
“Lolo” Bellorín: “Con la mirada fija en Florianópolis”
Con éxito avanzó proceso de revisión de pruebas de Olimpiadas Venezolanas de Astronomía
On Wednesday, President Nicolas Maduro announced that is being structured a special plan to directly subsidize the food and medicines of the…
LEER MÁSDuring the ceremony of new Socialist Mission cards held in Caracas, the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro stressed that as economic…
LEER MÁSThe Minister of People’s Power for Alimentation, Rodolfo Marco Torres, informed the country on Monday regarding the advances that have been made…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela offered the balance of the visit made to Cuba, where was established a binational…
LEER MÁSThe Minister for Housing, Manuel Quevedo, said the National Government delivered on Thursday 1,700 new housings for a total of one million,…