These are announcements of the President to energize and strengthen the FANB

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, ratified on Thursday night to Commander in Chief Vladimir Padrino Lopez as Minister of People’s Power for Defense and the Strategic Operational Command “to continue its work with firmness, balance, leadership and honesty.”
“We must continue to build strong and clearly with the new organization of the Armed Forces to ensure the territorial integrity, peace, and for our country never to be touched by the imperial or foreign boot,” said the Head of State after the joint graduation of 1,112 cadets of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), held at the Courtyard of Honor of the Military Bolivarian University in Caracas.
He then announced that has ratified Admiral Remigio Ceballos in front of staff of the Strategic Operational Command (CEO).
Similarly, he reported to the country that Major General Juan Garcia Toussaint will remain at the command of the Army General Headquarters, while Major General Antonio Benavides Torres, was appointed as General Commander of the National Guard (GNB).
The President added: “I have decided to appoint new responsibilities in the coming days to Admiral Franklin Asdrúbal Montplaisier, and have appointed Admiral Gaspar Orlando Manerio to be the head of the Bolivarian Navy. Thank you for your loyalty, Montplaisier, there are new tasks corresponding to you”, he said.
He ratified at the front of the Command of the Air Force to Major General Cruz Arteaga, “to continue his work of a pilot in front of the powerful Military Aviation” and the head of the General Command of the Bolivarian National Militia to Major General Cesar Vega González ” to continue with firmness. ”
The Head of State said the announcements are part “of a process of renewal, ratification and strengthening of a generation of men and women of the highest moral excellence, ethics, discipline and military capabilities to further strengthen the military revolution in Venezuela”.
He announced major changes in the strategic region of Integral Defense (Redi): “I have decided to appoint new heads of the country’s Redis, members of the promotion of 1986 who come forward to positions of command”
The Redis were set as follows:
He explained that the first Central Integrated Defense Region will be divided into two: Capital Region (Capital District, Vargas and Miranda states) and Central Region (Aragua, Carabobo and Yaracuy states). Leading the Capital Region will be at the command General José Ornelas Ferreira, “who will ascend to Major General in the coming days, to assume in his full capacity, loyalty and moral”.
While for the new Central Region will be Major General Jesús Suárez Chourio, who will ascend to the rank of Major General.
For the Plains region Redi was appointed Major General Aviation Ivan Hidalgo Terán.
For the Western Redi was appointed in office to the Army General Tito Urban Meleán, “Nowadays head of the Zulia area, and who will also be promoted”.
For the Andean region Redi will be Aviation Division General José Morantes Torres.
Tor the Guyana zone Redi will assume the Division General Carlos Augusto Leal Tellería Army, who will defend the Mining Arch of the Orinoco.
For the Marítime/Insular Redi, was appointed Vice Admiral Eglis Herrera Balza, who will be promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Republic.
For the Eastern zone Redi, will be commanding the General of the National Guard, Sergio Rivero Marcano.
And for the Integrated Air Defense Command (Codai), will assume Major-General Guerrero Contreras, who will also be Mayor General.
“These are designations to energize, strengthen and advance our Armed Forces.
Congratulations, Long live the Bolivarian Revolution!”, expressed Maduro.
Finally, he explained that will designate in the coming days for new tasks ahead of the Revolution to Major General Nestor Reverol.