President Maduro welcomed opposition mayors of Barinas at Miraflores Palace

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, welcomed at Miraflores Palace the opposition mayors of Barinas state.

The meeting was attended by the mayor of the Ezequiel Zamora municipality, Nelsón García Mora, a member of the Compromiso País party (COMPA), the mayor of the Pedraza municipality, José Adrián Azuaje Cordero, and the Bishops, Frenchy Díaz Rodríguez, both belonging to the ranks of the Board of Democratic Unity (MUD), as reports the Presidential Press release.

On behalf of the National Government, the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez; the Minister of People’s Power for Transportation, Ramón Velásquez Araguayán; and the First Combatant woman of the Republic, Cilia Flores.

In the exchange of ideas with the Head of State, the mayors of that Llanos region state expressed their position regarding the call for national peace.

At the end of the cordial meeting, Mayor Frenchy Díaz described as fruitful the approach that served to expose “each of the needs we have in the municipalities.”

In this sense, he pointed out that the Government authorities “committed to the completion of infrastructure works” in the town.

For his part, Nelsón García, from the Ezequiel Zamora municipality, expressed his satisfaction “on behalf of the people of Zamora, for how the President of the Republic received us” to whom “we have delivered the projects and he has committed to supporting us.”

#Now | After holding a meeting with the Venezuelan head of state; the Minister for Transportation, Ramón Velásquez; and the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, the mayor of the Pedraza municipality, in Barinas state, Frenchy Tomás Díaz, described the…”

Presidential Press (@PresidencialVen) June 16, 2024