The root of Bolivarian socialism lies in the conception of equality of Gual and España

When reviewing the heroism of patriots Manuel Gual and José María España, precursors of Independence, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, asserted that his ideals of equality lie the foundations of Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century.

In a dialogue with the governor of La Guaira state, José Alejandro Terán, who delved into the meaning of the banner designed by Gual and España in 1797, as well as its clear approach to a society of equals, the Head of State pointed out that its conception did not It not only subverted the colonial order, but also laid the foundations for the ideals that later generations would defend.

We can say that we are finding the root of Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century. Saying that – equality between browns, Indians, whites and blacks – in the 18th century was the most advanced thing that could be found in Our Americas and in the world, it subverted the colonial order, the inquisition, the obscurantism of 300 years of Spanish colonialism. and set a big goal for the future,” he pointed out during the eighth episode of the Maduro Podcast.

He emphasized that in La Guaira “the Independence of an entire continent was born” by concentrating “the most advanced ideas”, personified in patriots like José María España. In this sense, chronicler Jesús Cumare pointed out that his project was not reduced to the mere creation of the Republic, but to the construction of “a great power that would confront everything that came.”

When rescuing these ideals as the basis of the project of Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda and the Liberator Simón Bolívar, the Venezuelan president stressed that if the Republic had been consolidated “there would be no empires that would attack, there would be no one to massacre Gaza, there would be no one that threatens.”

That is why we have to build ourselves as a power because in the world we are living in, no one respects cowards,” he stated, while pointing out that the oligarchy “got used to dragging itself to the empires of the world” and during 168 years in power “What they did was destroy the morale” of the Venezuelan people.

Regarding this, he stressed that – in 25 years – the Bolivarian Revolution has managed to “put Venezuela on its feet” and, starting this year, efforts will be directed to consolidating the Venezuelan Power through the Seven Transformations (7T).