Great Mission Housing Venezuela will arrive in Guayana Esequiba

With a view to fully establishing the Guayana Esequiba state, after the overwhelming results of the consultative referendum on December 3 in which more than 10 million Venezuelans voted “yes” 5 times, the Venezuelan head of State, Nicolás Maduro Moros, approved the construction project of 120 homes for the people of Essequibo:

To proceed with the construction of 120 new homes, in San Martín de Turumbán, on the edge of the Cuyuní River for the Venezuelan Essequiban people, their decent housing. The Great Mission Housing Venezuela arrives in Guayana Esequiba, to honor, accompany and embrace our communities,” he ordered from La Casona Cultural “Aquiles Nazoa”, in Miranda state.

During the delivery of the 4,800,000th milestone of the Great Mission Housing Venezuela (GMVV), it was announced that the topographical survey had already been carried out where the new homes will be located, and it was also announced that an educational center will be built. All this in the peri-urban area so that the beneficiaries have full access to the city.

The President highlighted that the new state will have all the “social, education, health and housing plans.” That is why he is already moving forward with the installation of an office of the Administrative Service for Identification, Migration and Immigration (Saime) so that each inhabitant of that area has an identity document:

Identification requests have arrived in heaps, (it’s) impressive, and the office is going to be set up, the location is already being looked for, everything, the office, Dr. Gustavo Vizcaíno, you’re going there, to Tumeremo until you set up the office to issue ID cards to all that population of Guayana Esequiba,” he stated.

In this context, he highlighted that he held a meeting with the Sole Authority of the state of Guayana Esequiba, M/G Alexis Rodríguez Cabello, to address strategic issues, such as the Integral Defense Zone, which will have 28 comprehensive development sectors for effective deployment. and make Venezuela’s right felt over the territory that historically belongs to it.