ALBA-TCP rejects interference against Nicaragua

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas-Peoples’ Trade Treaty, rejects the statements by officials of the Government of the United States who, in flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter, attack the legitimate Government of the Republic of Nicaragua.

The ALBA-TCP condemns that the OAS intends to interfere in the affairs of the Nicaraguan people and institutions.

The Alliance welcomes the preparation of the electoral process in Nicaragua, ratifies the support for the Sandinista government, President Daniel Ortega and the people, in their decision to defend sovereignty, peace and the notable social, economic, security and national unity advances.

The member countries of ALBA-TCP call on the International Community to reject intimidation and to defend the sovereignty, self-determination and political independence of the States.

Sacha Llorenti


The member countries of @ALBATCP reject acts of interference against the Republic of Nicaragua.

Likewise, they ratify their support for the people and government of that sister country.”