Spanish right wing is proud of the extermination it carried out in the Americas

“The Spanish right wing is proud of the looting, exploitation and extermination during the colonization of the Americas”, said Sacha Llorenti, secretary of ALBA-TCP.

Although Pope Francis recently apologized for the “mistakes” made by the Catholic Church, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, dared to reproach the Pope from the United States, and did not recognize what Spain has done in the past and which tends to repeat in the present.

Given this position, the secretary of ALBA-TCP, Sacha Llorenti, wrote in his account on the Twitter social network: “Nothing can be expected from those who recently supported the invasions against Iraq or Afghanistan”.

Sacha Llorenti


The Spanish right wing is proud of the looting, exploitation and extermination during the colonization of the Americas. Nothing is expected of those who recently supported the invasion against Iraq or Afghanistan.

It would not be enough if they asked for forgiveness every day for the next three centuries.”

For the countries that make up the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our Americas, it would not be enough if Spain asked for forgiveness every day for the next three centuries.