Venezuela and Turkey evaluate joint plans in agriculture

The Minister of People’s Power for Productive Agriculture and Lands, Wilmar Castro Soteldo, held a work meeting with the Turkish ambassador to Venezuela, Şevki Mütevellioğlu, to analyze joint plans in the agricultural sector.

Through his account on the Instagram social network, the minister indicated that various plans were discussed for the “export of cattle and goats, planting of legumes, fishing and aquaculture and agricultural machinery.”

On the other hand, they talked about the upcoming visit that Turkish technicians and businessmen will make “with the intention of investing in Venezuela.”

Diplomatic relations between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of Turkey have met 70 years and have been characterized in the last two decades by a cooperation of solidarity and mutual respect, in which agreements have been established in the economic and health fields, commerce, education, science, among others.