The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through its permanent representative to the UN-Geneva, Jorge Valero, positively appreciated the recognition made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, of the advances made in technical cooperation with her Office and the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights by the Venezuelan people.
Based on the oral update of the High Commissioner’s report, the Ambassador contextualized that since the last presentation of the UN official, “the Government of Donald Trump has increased its siege of Venezuela by imposing new unilateral coercive measures that are causing death and suffering in the South American nation”.
In the framework of the 45th ordinary session of the UN Human Rights Council, the Venezuelan diplomat summarized that the coercive measures have meant the theft from Venezuela of assets whose value exceeds 30,000 million dollars, which deprives the State of indispensable resources to purchase food, medicine and medical supplies.
He stressed that despite these attacks, the social investment of the Bolivarian Revolution is maintained.
Likewise he confirmed the visit, beginning 2021, of the Special Rapporteur on the Negative Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures on the Enjoyment of Human Rights, Alena Douhan, who has insisted on several occasions on stopping the sanctions against countries, so that they can face the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Permanent Representative to the UN-Geneva agreed with the High Commissioner in the advancement of cooperation and technical assistance relations between the Bolivarian Government and its Office, reinforced by the Letter of Understanding signed in September 2019 and which has been renewed. for one more year with the possibility of extending over time.
“Regarding the implementation of the Agreement, we highlight the progress of the work carried out with the Office in the pre-trial detention centers, in the identification of factors that affect the current situation, the establishment of the follow-up mechanism to the human rights recommendations of the the UN”, specified Ambassador Valero.
He added that the scheduled visits to the country’s penitentiary centers are being carried out, as well as those planned for the facilities in Caracas of SEBIN, the national intelligence agency of the Venezuelan State.
“Venezuela will continue to provide all facilities to the Office for the performance of its mandate, within the framework of constructive dialogue and cooperation,” said the diplomat, while reiterating the will to continue strengthening ties of cooperation with this instance of the UN.