GMMV has built 2,934,772 housings throughout the national territory

Up to date, the Great Mission Housing Venezuela (GMVV) has built 2,934,772 housings throughout the national territory, and advances in the execution of other projects to meet the goal of 3 million housings at the end of the year, as reported this Wednesday the Minister for Housing and Habitat, Ildemaro Villarroel:
«A demonstration of that we are moving forward in the goal of 3 million housings», said the minister on a television broadcast.
Similarly, he explained that, through the Great Mission Barrio Nuevo, Barrio Tricolor, 1,375,859 homes have been rehabilitated, and 1,082,384 property titles have been delivered through the National Institute of Urban Lands (INTU).
Villarroel also indicated that in the last two weeks they have disbursed 5,733 million bolivars for the execution and acquisition of supplies for the construction of housing solutions in the country.
Likewise, he stressed that on December 11, they started a workshop with 12 businessmen from the Bolivarian Chamber of Construction, to discuss and publicize the advantages of the “Petro Inmobiliario” (Estate Petro) mechanism.
In this regard, he stressed that with this mechanism the construction of 2,480 housings is executed to reach the goal of 3 million housing units.
«Today, 2,480 housings are being built in a first cohort that should culminate with the milestone of 3 million, and then focus on the goal of 500,000 housings by 2020», he said.
During the usual GMVV balance, Ildemaro Villarroel stressed that Venezuela has the regional average in access to cheaper housings: «50% below any country that builds them with a capitalist view», he said.
He recalled that one of the factors that guarantee the low cost of housing is access to urban land, the territorialized distribution of materials “that facilitates and lowers costs”, as well as the mortgage credit policy for companies and workers in the country .