The candidate of the Ample Front of the Homeland, Nicolás Maduro, emphasized on Wednesday that the revolutionary forces have a country project, contemplated in the 2019-2025 Homeland Plan, which will lead Venezuela to the consolidation of its Independence.
“I do have a Government program. We do have a very clear country project to consolidate political, economic, cultural, and social independence”, said Maduro from the Bolívar-Chávez square, located in Vargas state, where he contrasted the surrendering plans of the right-wing, a sector that, of winning on May 20, intends to go to the International Monetary Fund.
“This battle with the 2025 homeland plan involves consolidating a strong majority to carry out a plan of economic, scientific, technological, integral independence. To consolidate the independence of Venezuela with a people protagonist of its history”, he added.
Maduro called on Wednesday to defend the peace and independence of the Republic with votes in the presidential elections to be held on May 20.
“We must prepare to defend in peace and with votes the independence, sovereignty and democracy of Venezuela. We can do it in peace”, he said.
He emphasized in the sovereignty and dignity of the Venezuelan people, he pointed out that the people of Venezuela have enough dignity and will not allow them to hand over the Republic to foreign powers, as the right thinks.
He called on all Venezuelans to reunite as a fundamental element to ensure the political, social and economic prosperity of Venezuela.
Candidate Maduro reported that through the protection system of the “Carnet de la Patria” (Homeland Card), 64,126 Venezuelans from Vargas state have been incorporated into the Great Mission Homes of the Homeland and it is expected to reach 72,000 sheltered homes for the month of May.
He denounced that the objective of the candidates of the right wing is to hand over the resources of the country to the North American empire, and to forget the interests of the people.