Head of State launches Great Mission Mother Earth Venezuela

On Wednesday afternoon, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, launched the Great Mission Mother Earth Venezuela.

The national leader pointed out that it is a great new generation mission that has seven vertices or lines.

In a work day, he detailed that this mission will cover the entire issue of the ecological recovery and regeneration of Venezuela, for the mitigation of climate change:

We are going to work for a sustainable change that is an example in the world of the integral economic and technological functioning of society, preserving harmony with nature”, he explained.

The head of State detailed that the vertices of this Great Mission are seven. “The first vertex has to do with the organization for life; the second is called Sowing Life, which are the plans for the construction of nurseries; The third vertex is the territory for life linked to the care of watersheds; the fourth vertex is climate for life, the fifth is fauna for life, the sixth is sanitation for life and the last vertex will be dedicated to production for life”.