President Maduro: The GNB will always be at the service of the people

“Never again will the weapons of the Bolivarian National Guard, GNB, be used against the Venezuelan people,” declared this Wednesday the President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, Nicolás Maduro Moros, during his greeting to the members of the Bolivarian National Guard on its 84th anniversary:

The GNB component will always be used for the protection of our people and our Homeland”, said the President, noting that the GNB is the self-sacrificing defender of a free, sovereign and independent Venezuela.

In his speech, the Head of State stressed that Venezuela is a country of dialogue and peace, although some believe that “peace and dialogue mean weakness”.

He stressed the GNB has played a leading role in the defense of the people, when the right wing’s terrorist sectors have taken the shortcuts of violence:

“Those who continue deliberately disowning the right of the great majorities to peaceful coexistence, will find the Laws and the forces of the State, that State that was founded in Carabobo, 200 years ago and of which we are in full construction in this 21st century”, expressed President Nicolás Maduro in his message broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión.

“Our Fight is against the enemies of the Fatherland”

He also referred to the events that occurred on August 4, 2018, during the assassination attempt that sought to end the Bolivarian Revolution in a deadly attack with drones, which also sought to initiate a confrontation between brothers:

Our fight is against the enemies of the Homeland, therefore, in every action of the Bolivarian National Guard (…) in order to protect the life, security and peace of Venezuela we are defeating the imperial plans, the mafias that govern Colombia and the extremist right wing, let us be in conscience of this”, said the Commander-in-Chief of the FANB.