Arreaza denounces new plan to hit the Venezuelan democracy

The Chancellor of the Republic, Jorge Arreaza, denounced on Saturday new actions against Venezuela, assuring that from the Center of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) of the United States, is being planned a “blow to the democracy”.

In his Twitter account, the representative of Venezuelan diplomacy wrote: “In @CSISAmericas are being planned actions for an alleged “Day After”, disguising with academic air a vulgar blow to democracy to seize natural resources and twist the will of the Venezuelan people”.

He continued by pointing out that oil is the main objective of these actions, so “PDVSA and CITGO are ‘vital’ for their ‘Day After’ “.

He referred to the former Under Secretary of State for International Drug Trafficking Affairs of the United States, William Brownfield, who again lashes out against Venezuela to hide his failure in the fight to reduce the production of drugs in Colombia.

Brownfield now suggests oil sanctions against Venezuela: “He celebrates the sanctions of the USA having harmful effects against the Venezuelan people (diseases, shortages, poverty)”, wrote the Chancellor.