ANC will be installed this Friday for the 2018 period

This Friday the National Constituent Assembly will be installed for the 2018 period, as informed on Thursday the Chairwoman of the Pleni-potentiary instance, Delcy Rodríguez.

Rodriguez said that in this session will be discussed the Law of Local Committees for Supply and Production (CLAP), presented by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, last September.

“The National Constituent Assembly meets with our people. It is framed in its three strategic purposes: the transformation of State structures. We are creating a new normative body, with approval of constitutional laws, and we are in the drafting of the new constitutional text that will be presented to Venezuela”, said Rodriguez during the ceremony held by the Head of State at the Mountain Barracks, located at the 23 de Enero parish, in Caracas.

“The National Constituent Assembly will continue to be a protective shield of peace and sovereignty of Venezuela”, she added.

Out of the eight laws presented by the National Executive before the National Constituent Assembly, the plenipotentiary body has approved five laws: Law for the creation of the Southern Agrifood Consortium (Agrosur), Law on sovereign supply and agreed prices (Plan 50), Law of the Tax Regime for the Sovereign Development of the Mining Arc, Law for the promotion and protection of foreign investment and the Law on the Taxation Unit of Sanctions.

In five months of operation the National Constituent Assembly promulgated different laws and measures that aim to strengthen the main objective of the plenipotentiary body that is to conquer the peace of the Republic for the tranquility of the people.