National Government and Venezuelan opposition hold third dialogue meeting

«We cannot take the country to what the extremist right wing claims: an invasion by a foreign army. Is it fair, legal and human? It is crazy! And that’s why I believe in the dialogue (…) between us – the government – and the oppositions”.
These words correspond to the Venezuelan Head of State, Nicolás Maduro Moros, at the time of informing the country that the permanent dialogue board continues in Barbados, under the auspices of Norway, and for this reason the delegation appointed by the government is already in the east Caribbean island.
In this regard, he reported that «today began a new session of consultations, dialogues, talks between the delegation of the oppositions of Venezuela, and the Constitutional Government that I preside.»
The President recalled that in August 2018 an attempted assassination attempt was carried out, planned from Colombia, and which main responsible is the leader of the Primero Justicia right wing party, Julio Borges.
He stressed that the conspiracies that threaten the life of the President of the Republic and the stability of the Venezuelan State cannot be considered as options within the political game.
The information was offered by President Maduro during his visit to the Cream to Cream 1 C.A factory, belonging to the Cacao Industrias Venezolanas (CIVEN) group, located in Charallave, Miranda state.