1.6 million Venezuelan families benefit from CLAP distribution system

During the broadcast of program 56 of “Contacto con Maduro” (Contact with Maduro) the President of the Republic announced that the Local Committees of Supply and Production (CLAP), over a period of nine weeks, have served a total of 1,622,831 families, bringing every house the basic basket products at fair prices.
He explained that so far have been formed 8 000 471 CLAP committees across the country, in order that the items produced in the country reach the communities at fair prices.
The Venezuelan President stated that have been held journeys of evaluation in order to consolidate a restructuring of the distribution system in the country, which has been strongly affected by the unconventional warfare, promoted by the national right wing in recent years.
“We, with the CLAP and the decisions that we must continue driving, we must ensure that will twist the arm of that parasite system of distribution, marketing and setting of inflated and criminal prices”, he said.
Likewise, the Head of State urged the Bolivar-Chavez Battle Units (UBCh), the Francisco de Miranda Front, the collectives, UNAMUJER and the Community Councils to strengthen the role of the CLAP, raise the flag and start a supply process supported by the efficient ways.
The CLAP were created by the Bolivarian Government to guarantee the supply of items for the people. These fronts are: food, drugs and medical supplies and the personal hygiene front, strongly attacked by the economic warfare.