Attack on TSJ and MIJ reveals absence of coup factors within the FANB

The air attack registered yesterday, against the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Ministry of People’s Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace; “Reveals the absence of coup plotting factors within the Bolivarian National Armed Forces that would allow, in any case, the reprint of a “Carmonazo” (Coup d’ etat of April 11,2002 which led to the de-facto assumption into power of Pedro Carmona Estanga)..

The statement was made by the Ombudsman, Tarek William Saab, during an interview in the “Encendidos” (Turned On) program, broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión, on which he assured that it was a desperate action.

“As they do not have at the moment an outlaw factor within the FANB, they took this action, a criminal one from every point of view, in order to cause panic and terror in the population … Whoever gets a helicopter out and throws grenades against a Public facility has a murderous mentality”.

He described the action as a criminal act for attempting against the workers of these two public entities and the citizens who were traveling through the place at the time of the attack perpetrated by Oscar Alberto Pérez, an inspector attached to the Air Transport Division of CICPC (Corps of Scientific Penal Investigations), who stole the helicopter from the La Carlota (Military) Air Base, and another group of people.

“What would have happened if those grenades they threw had left mortal victims?” asked the Ombudsman, who reiterated that his position will always be an institutional and democratic one, in rejection of any type of military and institutional coup, as it was intended to perpetrate in the country “In order to bring the Citizen Power to decapitate another public power, in this case the TSJ” (Supreme Court of Justice).